Saturday, June 09, 2007

Sir Harry Kroto – Nobel Prize winner – slams the wrecking of British science

He states:

"If the world's future lies in scientists’ hands, the answer is unlikely to come from the UK"

Hmm…well said. The only thing I could add to this statement is that my current invention will have (could have if exploited) a significant positive environmental impact. But, as I’m (was) gagged from revealing it, his assertion could only be said to be true, could it not?

Source: The Guardian


Blogger BalancedView said...

I think you have spun this quote somewhat, as the article is more about concerns over the apparent reduction in scientific education (in favour of softer subjects) rather than failures of the judicial/IP system.

12:44 pm  
Blogger Deep Thunk said...

My comments do not mention anything about the failures of the judicial/IP system. Please point out where they do.


PS: the next one does. Keep watching.

4:21 pm  
Blogger BalancedView said...

Well it strikes me that you are saying that you have been unable to exploit your invention because (in your words elsewhere) 'the laws in the UK favour the thieves and crooks' i.e. IP law has not been favourable to you.

Hence the dubious link to the quote which gives the impression that the author is denigrating UK IP and the related law. But as I pointed out before, that is not what the article is about.

I suggest people read it for themselves and make up their own minds.


8:57 pm  
Blogger Deep Thunk said...

As I say, my comments in this blog entry do not mention anything about our sick and evil theft-based IP system.

Point out where I have done...

Go for it.

9:57 pm  
Blogger Deep Thunk said...

Abuse removed.

Troll-like behaviour will not be tolerated on this blog.


4:50 pm  
Blogger BalancedView said...

Er ... pardon?

How can my (deleted) comments possibly be considered as abuse?

Or is it simply that you cannot appreciate a different point of view?


1:26 pm  
Blogger Deep Thunk said...

You will not be allowed to post abuse on this blog site.

Get used to it.


10:47 pm  

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